Tuesday 14 February 2012

Viking in love

Winter + February + cold + strength + birthdays of people I love + snow flakes falling outside right now + ABBA + Czech history + old legends + kindness = this Viking in love (in love with his motorbike and a cat called Delilah and a girl he once met in a pull-up)

And not to ignore the imported and here by many cursed Valentine's Day, here's for us:

Za trochu lásky
Jaroslav Vrchlický

Za trochu lásky šel bych světa kraj,
šel s hlavou odkrytou a šel bych bosý,
šel v ledu – ale v duši věčný máj,
šel vichřicí – však slyšel zpívat kosy,
šel pouští – a měl v srdci perly rosy.
Za trochu lásky šel bych světa kraj,
jak ten, co zpívá u dveří a prosí.

And for those who cannot understand, the poem means basically this: I would walk...

1 comment:

  1. Hello!,
    I was updating my blog and I found a comment you leave in my blog back in decemeber, thank you very much for the lovely compliments! :) I can't believe you found me in illustration now vol 4!! makes me very happy.
    I found myself looking at your blog and you have very beautifull illustrations as well !, so I believe I will keep coming back :).
